2023 Report on the Fighting against Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains Act


1. About this report / introduction

This report is the first written by Groupe Somavrac Inc. and its associated subsidiaries (Fonbrai Inc., Servitank Inc., Somavrac Inc., Somavrac (C.C.) Inc., Javel Bois-Francs Inc. (JBF), Servichem Inc., Chloretech Inc., Porlier Express Inc., Manutention Porlier Inc., UBA Inc., Transport Somavrac Inc., Transport Servitank Inc., Transport O.S.I. Inc., Somavrac Aviation Inc., Ɖquipements Prommel Inc. and Immobilisations Prommel Inc.) on forced labor and child labor in the supply chains for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2024 (hereinafter the ā€œReporting Periodā€), as required by the new Fighting against Forced Labor and Child Labor in Supply Chains Act (Canada ) (hereinafter the ā€œLawā€). Groupe Somavrac Inc. and its subsidiaries are hereinafter collectively referred to as ā€œGroupe Somavracā€.

2. Measures taken to prevent and reduce the risks of forced labor and child labor

Both in our company and among our business partners, respect for human rights is of primordial importance for Groupe Somavrac.

During the Reporting Period, we took the following measures to prevent and reduce the risks of forced labor and child labor within the Somavrac Group and in our supply chains:

  • We have reviewed all of our business policies.
  • We have conducted an initial risk analysis of forced labor and child labor in our supply chains.
  • We have clarified our recruitment policy to prohibit the employment of anyone under the age of 18 throughout Groupe Somavrac.
  • We examined the possibility of adopting new policies targeting forced labor more specifically.

3. Our company, our structure and our activities

Groupe Somavrac was founded in 1963; it is a family business whose head office is located in Trois-RiviĆØres. Groupe Somavrac works mainly in the areas of stevedoring, warehousing, handling, transformation, transport and distribution of chemical products in various industrial sectors, including the mining industry, cement plants, energy, pulp and paper, steel and aluminum production and processing, chemicals/petrochemicals and the agricultural and agri-food sectors.

Whether solid or liquid bulk, dangerous materials, project cargo or others, the safe handling of goods is at the heart of the Groupe Somavrac’s know-how.

Carte des plans de Groupe Somavrac

Since its foundation, Groupe Somavrac has developed commercial activities with remarkable dynamism and integrity. Innovation, investments and technology are part of the growth strategy of Groupe Somavrac, which is now well established in many regions of Quebec as well as in Ontario.

Groupe Somavrac and its subsidiaries have over 500 employees, many of whom work in its various terminals. Our employees are therefore able to offer a turnkey service adapted to the needs and realities of each customer.

The motto of Groupe Somavrac is ā€œtogether we are the strategic extension of our customersā€™ operations and we contribute daily to creating value by simplifying their logistics activities and supply chainsā€; it is much more than a statement. This motto guides every decision we make and every action we take. Rooted in our corporate DNA, our values define our identity and guide our daily actions. Guided by a family spirit, we create with our employees a positive and dynamic living space where collaboration and kindness ensure collective and individual development. Our thirst for excellence pushes us to always aim higher, to seek perfection in all facets of our organization through our know-how and our recognized fields of expertise. Finally, our passion for our customers is at the heart of everything we do. Their needs and concerns are our main motivation.

4.Policies, governance and due diligence process

4.1 Recruitment Policy

During the Reporting Period, Groupe Somavrac clarified its recruitment policy. From now on, all employees working in our operations must be at least 18 years old. This initiative aims to guarantee an adequate level of maturity and understanding among our staff, thus reducing in particular certain risks related to health and safety among employees. This policy ensures that no use of child labor takes place within the Groupe Somavrac.

4.2 Politicies applicable to employees

During the Reporting Period, Groupe Somavrac clarified its recruitment policy. From now on, all employees working in our operations must be at least 18 years old. This initiative aims to guarantee an adequate level of maturity and understanding among our staff, thus reducing in particular certain risks related to health and safety among employees. This policy ensures that no use of child labor takes place within the Groupe Somavrac.

4.3 Upcoming policies

Groupe Somavrac is committed to continuous improvement; in this context, Groupe Somavrac is analyzing the opportunity to develop and adopt a new procurement policy dealing more specifically with forced labor and child labor in supply chains.

5. Supply chains

The risk factors in Groupe Somavrac’s supply chain are low, as its suppliers are located in North America, a region with a low prevalence of modern slavery, as noted in the Walk Free Foundation’s Global Slavery Index 2023.

However, as we have not yet implemented a sourcing policy, we are aware that some of our suppliers may source from countries where the risk of forced or child labor is higher.

Over the coming months, Groupe Somavrac intends to work on implementing a qualification process and a procurement policy; the aim is to improve our understanding of risks and to improve the methods of control and intervention of Groupe Somavrac in relation to its supply chain, in order to reduce the risk of forced labor and child labor in our supply chain.

6. Corrective measures

During the Reporting Period, Groupe Somavrac did not identify any situation of forced labor or child labor in its supply chain and Groupe Somavrac did not receive any reports in this regard.

As a result, no remedial action was required. That being said, should a situation of modern slavery or child labor be identified, we are committed to implementing effective corrective measures to remedy the non-compliance situation.

7. Training

All employees of Groupe Somavrac are required to take certain training courses, including one on civility in the workplace.

We are currently examining the possibility of introducing training for certain key employees who are more likely to be concerned by the issues of modern slavery, forced labor and child labor, including in particular the employees of Groupe Somavrac whose functions involve procurement.

8. Measures effectivemess assessment

We are yet to put in place a specific process to evaluate the effectiveness of the measures we have taken or will take to mitigate the risk of forced labor and child labor in our supply chains.

However, Groupe Somavrac is working to deepen its knowledge on the subject, and to improve its capacity to prevent modern slavery. We will assess opportunities to evaluate the effectiveness of our measures and processes in the future.

9. Attestation and approval

This statement applies to Groupe Somavrac Inc. and all its subsidiaries. In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular with section 11(4)(a) thereof, this report has been approved by the Board of Directors of Groupe Somavrac Inc. and is signed by the President of Groupe Somavrac inc.

In accordance with section 11 of the Act, I, the undersigned, certify that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity or entities listed above. To the best of my knowledge, and having exercised due diligence, I confirm that the information contained in this report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reference year indicated above.

I have the authority to bind Groupe Somavrac Inc.

Marc Paquin


May 27th, 2024

Consult this report in PDF format here.